How to Manage a Virtual Classroom in 21st Century Web Based Learning World

20th July 2020

When it comes to managing a classroom, this always has been a big challenge for the teaching professionals. Effective 21st- century teachers are passionate about teaching their learners and they want to use their time in teaching mostly, not dealing with classroom disturbances. There are end numbers of myths regarding the online teaching-learning practices till now and as an upcoming generation teacher, you have to debunk all those so-called myths by creating an effective virtual classroom. Online classroom management is a tantalizing balance.

People sometimes think that the learners are not capable to familiarize themselves with the online learning environment, but the fact is people can learn in a variety of ways. You, as the teacher, are accountable for creating the types of effective teaching-learning spaces where your learners’ expectations are being met successfully. But, how do we keep up the order and persuade the growth when we can’t even see our students?

Here are some successful online classroom management tips to help teachers settle their problems, or prevent them from occurring in the future:

Before just jumping into the techniques, in order to perform these, all you need to do is ask them some essential basic questions before starting your class, like:

  • What is your name?
  • How old are you?
  • What is your favourite colour?
  • What did you do today before your class?
  • What are your hobbies?

By asking simple questions, you will be capable to make a preliminary assessment of their English altitude. If they struggle to answer these basic questions, then they are to be expected to be a novice.


Well, the priorities flip in online teaching! The proven fact is students gain knowledge more through different kinds of creative activities along with problem-solving than they do by just engrossing information. This is accurate whether you’re in a corporal or a virtual classroom. Try to keep whole sessions short, around 10-20 minutes as students usually have incessant sources of information when they are learning online. They simply don’t need a teacher to elucidate something for 60 minutes. Make a few learning pronouncements, and send them off to complete their learning activities. Engagement is crucial in online teaching!


Now a day, we see that a lot of educators are focusing on making teaching videos instead of connecting directly with students in bona fide time. Don’t do this mistake. Try to avoid spending too much time and energy on recording videos as making good videos is tough. What your students need from you is an individual connection at the present. Create small group sessions for discussion and one-on-one discussion to help students to set goals and stay stimulated. Make sure you are using a conferencing platform that is accommodating with privacy laws. Virtual learners need human connection now more than ever!

Learner Ownership

Your students will feel more possession of their learning when they will be able to set their own objectives rather than other deciding. When they will have choices about what they can learn and how they will learn, your teaching session will be effective. This is a significant feature of online classroom management, try to talk to your students about ownership, ask them about their learning purposes. Find out those purposes and have them replicated on their learning progress throughout your teaching development. If a student misses a closing date, try to stay away from judgment, give them legroom.

Go Slow

We understand the fact that the swing to online learning has been tremendously unexpected and we’ll all need some time to fiddle with. Same your students will also need to adjust to the novel normal and learn all the new programs that you’re introducing. If you begin at the full hustle, it will get disorganized and your students will get inundated. Some may check out even. You can always lift the speed once you as well as your students are at ease in learning online so try to focus first on keeping your lessons entertaining, simple, and compassionate.


Try to set up your classroom standards near the beginning, let your students indulge in the process. Try to establish classroom norms for combined documents, however, be conscious that classroom norms will evolve with the time. It is very essential to share the rules of your classroom with your learners, particularly if they are younger.

When you teach English online, you may have several learners in a class and keeping them all engaged is key! Nevertheless, class size truly does depend on the company you work with. After completing the TEFL certification courses online, when you enter the world of online ESL learning, you have to be sure to set yourself up for accomplishment when teaching online. Always keep in mind to engage all your virtual learners because it is your work to undertake and encourage them, persuade them along with helping them to turn out to be a better person at communicating in the English language.


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